Your Pet, Our Passion.


Saadaolevad suurused:
  • Hüdrolüüsitud valgu ja hoolikalt valitud süsivesikuteallikatega täissööt (ravitoit) kutsikatele ja täiskasvanud koertele toidutalumatuse vähendamiseks.
Toote ülevaade

Hüdrolüüsitud valgu ja hoolikalt valitud süsivesikuteallikatega täissööt (ravitoit) kutsikatele ja täiskasvanud koertele toidutalumatuse vähendamiseks.

Koostis- ja toitained


Hüdrolüüsitud sojavalk**
(Taimset päritolu) glütseriin

*Puhastatud süsivesikuteallikad

**Hüdrolüüsitud valgu allikad




Toitmisjuhised: vt tabelit.
Sobib alates 4 kuu vanustele kutsikatele. Soovitatav kasutusperiood on 3–8 nädalat. Kui toidutalumatuse sümptomid kaovad, võib seda toitu esialgu kasutada kuni aasta. Üle 70 kg kaaluvad koerad: andke iga 5 kg kaalu kohta lisaks 30 g toitu.Koertele mõeldud HA kuiv- ja märgtoitu kombineerides vähendage kuivtoidu kogust iga 200 g märgtoidu kohta 50 g võrra.
Enne kasutamist ja kasutusperioodi pikendamist on soovitatav nõu pidada loomaarstiga. Koerale peab alati saadaval olema joogivesi. 

Adult body weight (kg) Dry (g/24h) Wet + dry (g/24h) Puppy growth - age in months (g/24h)
4 6 9 12
2.5 kg 70g 1/3 + 35g 95g 95g 85g 75g
5 kg 110g 1/2 + 60g 145g 150g 135g 120g
10 kg 175g 1 + 75g 215g 230g 200g 195g
15 kg 230g 1 + 130g 280g 300g 265g 250g
25 kg 325g 1 + 225g 360g 455g 415g 360g
35 kg 410g 1 + 310g 420g 485g 560g 455g
45 kg 485g 1 + 385g 440g 495g 585g 500g
70 kg 650g 2 + 450g 580g 705g 840g 700g

Lemmikloomatoitu hoida kuivas ja jahedas kohas.

Parim enne kuupäev, registreerimis- ja partiinumber: vt pakendi tagaküljel olevat koodi.

Single Hydrolysed Protein
Single Hydrolysed Protein
With low molecular weight to help avoid allergic reactions.
Purified Carbohydrates
Purified Carbohydrates
To reduce the risk of an allergic reaction occurring.
Added Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Added Omega-3 Fatty Acids
To help minimise natural anti-inflammatory processes.

Understanding your Dog’s Food Allergy

Food allergies can be frustrating but the good news is that truly hypoallergenic diets are available to help diagnose and manage this condition.

What is Food Allergy?

A food allergy is an over-reaction of the immune system against proteins in the food that would normally be considered harmless. This may be caused by abnormalities in the intestinal tract allowing the immune system to be exposed to proteins that are normally not absorbed across the intestine.

The most common signs of food allergy are either an itchy skin or gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting or diarrhoea (or both). Many other conditions can cause these signs so your vet may need to carry out various investigations to rule out other conditions.

Diet is Important

The reliable way to diagnose a food allergy is to feed an elimination diet such as Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets Canine HA Hypoallergenic. If your dog has a food allergy then the signs should disappear when fed the elimination diet (and return when your dog goes back onto its original food).

Canine HA Hypoallergenic is a truly hypoallergenic diet – it contains selected proteins that have been treated (hydrolysed) to break them down into tiny fragments that are highly unlikely to provoke an immune response.

Once food allergy is confirmed you may chose to either find a diet which avoids the specific protein source that your dog is allergic to (if this has been identified) or continue feeding a hydrolysed diet such as Canine HA Hypoallergenic.


  • Any protein-containing ingredient could be the cause of food allergy.
  • When carrying out a food trial, ensure your dog eats only the elimination diet and drinks only water. No treats.
  • A food trial may last for up to 12 weeks, although a response is usually seen within three to six weeks.